The only presentation of "Light_Book"
Yesterday we presented the only session of “Light_Book” as part of the 18th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra.
This show followed two others, premiered in 2015, the International Year of Light, entitled “Light of Perdition” and “LIGHT“. These two plays corresponded to two parallel paths that Marionet has been following since 2009: bringing theatre to science by working with communities of scientific researchers on the social environment of science and other scientific themes; and bringing science to theatre by working on scientific themes with teams of arts professionals. These paths finally intersected in “Light_Book”, bringing together professional actors and scientific researchers on stage, based on a set of stage texts written by each other.
“Light_Book” continued to reflect on theatrical and scientific activities, theatrical and laboratory spaces, theatre audiences and the social environment of science, and added a new variable: the presence of light in universal literature.
For those who weren’t there, here are some photographs of the show, taken by Francisca Moreira.
- Productions
- Light_Book
- Light of Perdition