O Auto dos Físicos – no qual se tratam huns graciosos amores de hum clérigo
O Auto dos Físicos – no qual se tratam huns graciosos amores de hum clérigo
Gil Vicente
Written and first performed between 1519 and 1524, the “Auto dos Físicos” closes the book of farces in the “Copilaçam” of 1562 but was excluded by Inquisition censorship in the 1586 edition. Due to its shocking tone and the burlesque that characterises it, it is believed to have been performed at Carnival time. A priest “dies” from unrequited love and four doctors (the “physicists”) visit him in turns, suggesting bizarre remedies. Brásia Dias, the “gossip” who first tries to help him, a young man turned into (a weak) procurer, and a confessing priest who understands “too well” the suffering of his colleague, complete the bouquet of characters in this farce, closing in a typical Gil Vicente “ensalada”, with references to other plays by the author and to elements of the traditional cancioneiro.
Direction by António Augusto Barros
Recording (DVD)
A Escola da Noite
A Escola da Noite
Escola da Noite is a professional theatre company based in Coimbra since 1992. Throughout 23 years of activity, it premiered 62 shows, building and establishing its own artistic language, based on constant experimentation and training and on the balance, in terms of repertory, between classic and contemporary authors. Besides Gil Vicente, an essential element in the company’s journey, we highlight the visits to Greek Theatre (Aeschylus and Euripides), to contemporary Portuguese dramaturgy (Vicente Sanches and Abel Neves) and to universal dramaturgy (Beckett, Achternbusch, Büchner, Machiavelli, Lorca, Tchékhov), as well as the special attention given to the Lusophone universe, both in terms of repertory and the partners with whom it has developed collaborations.