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Ciência em Cena: Teatro no Museu da Vida

Ciência em Cena: Teatro no Museu da Vida

Carla Almeida & Thelma Lopes

Bianca Reis

Denise Studart

Gustavo Ottoni

Hilda Gomes

Leticia Guimarães

Sonia Mano

Vanessa F. Guimarães

Wanda Hamilton


“Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and the Museu da Vida carry the tradition of Manguinhos at their birth, where the rigor of scientific work is mixed with aesthetics, art and the urgency of communication, which goes beyond the limits of science to find its audience. Ever since the conception of the Museum of Life, we aimed to reinvent this legacy, with professionalism and a critical eye. One day, Virgínia Schall, scientist and poet, friend and dreamer of an innovative museum, brought the news: we would be interested in receiving a “tent ” that hosted Eco-92 activities? We already had our scenario! Science on the Scene! An exciting trajectory is portrayed here in this book. Science and its context under the spotlight. The public captured by emotion, drama, laughter and, always, beauty.”


— Paulo Gadelha, director of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (1985-1997), responsible for implementing the Museum of Life and president of Fiocruz (2009-2016)

Rio de Janeiro: Museu da Vida/Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fio Cruz

Carla Almeida

PhD in Biological Chemistry from the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the area of Education, Dissemination and Management in Biosciences (2012). Master in Science Communication from Imperial College London (2007) and Bachelor in Social Communication, majoring in Journalism, from UFRJ (2003). She worked at Jornal da Ciência, of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC); at the Wellcome Collection, the Wellcome Trust’s science and art museum in London; at Instituto Ciência Hoje, as editor of Ciência Hoje Online; and at the Science and Life Museum, of the Cecierj Foundation. She is a researcher at the Center for Studies on Scientific Dissemination of the Museum of Life, of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). She has contributed to several other scientific vehicles and institutions. She has experience with scientific content broadcast on TV, having provided consultancy for the Globo Universidade program, on Rede Globo. Area of activity and research: scientific journalism, scientific dissemination, communication and public perception of science.



Thelma Lopes

PhD in Sciences by the Teaching Program in Biosciences and Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Fiocruz, is a professional actress trained by Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras. At the Cecierj Foundation, she is responsible for coordinating the “Science Spaces”. She works in the fields of theatre teaching and scientific dissemination through different artistic languages.

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