Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas
Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas
Fernando Matos Oliveira
Ana Mira
André Rosa
Cláudia Madeira
Eduarda Neves
Fernando Matos Oliveira
Filipa Malva
Francesca Rayner
Frederico Dinis
Isabel Maria Dos
Mário Montenegro
Regilene Sarzi-Ribeiro
Ricardo Seiça Salgado
Sara Jobard
Simone Mina
Susana Mendes Silva
Telma João Santos
Vitor Joaquim
This volume makes public a collection of materials resulting from the International Conference of the same title, held in Coimbra from the 26th to the 28th November 2015. In its original formulation, the proposal for a meeting of researchers and creatives was meant to focus on the growing (self)reflection in contemporary art, a creative ecology defined simulaneously by a strategic becoming of devices (Foucault) and by their continuous proliferation (Agamben). In this context, art tends to move beyond its traditional operative framework, defined by the mastering of skills, ways of making and modes of expression. The growing value given to ideas and concepts, as world-creating and horizon-widening forms, both cognitive and sensorial, occurs in a context favourable to experimentation, transdisciplinarity and a vast number of material and technological mediations. As architectures of expression and staging, as models regulating the experience of the public, the accumulation of devices also suggests diverse modes of conceiving the self and of (re)activating traditional disciplinary contexts. The authors who accepted this invitation for shared reflection, display the different ways in which this framework markedly contaminates contemporary creation in the field of performing arts.
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (Coleção: Olhares)
Fernando Matos Oliveira
Fernando Matos Oliveira is an Associate Professor at the Department of History, Archaeology and Arts at the University of Coimbra. He has been a professor of, mostly, Artistic Studies, and is the Course Director of the PhD Programme in Art Studies/Estudos Artísticos of the University of Coimbra. He is a member of CEIS20 – Center for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies. His main areas of interest are Theatre and Performance Studies, Modern and Contemporary Drama. He is the Director of Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente and coordinator of the collection of Dramaturgy of the University of Coimbra’s Press.
He has PhD in Portuguese Literature, and has been publishing essays on theatre, performance, literature, and poetry. He is the author of “O Destino da Mimese: Teatro Português Moderno” (1997), “Teatralidades. 12 Percursos pelo Território do Espetáculo” (2003), and “Poesia e Metromania. Inscrições Setecentistas (1750-1820)” (PhD Dissertation, 2008). He has edited and published “Antologia Poética” (Angelus Novus, 1998) and “Escritos sobre Teatro” (Cotovia, 2001) by António Pedro, a poet associated with Portugal’s surrealism movement and to the foundation of Teatro Experimental do Porto (1953). He has published an edition of “Sinais de Cena” magazine (Nº 4), the volume “O Melodrama I” (Centro de Literatura Portuguesa, 1996, with M. Helena Santana), “Ensaios Ruminantes sobre a Obra Performativa de Patrícia Portela” (Ruminant Essays on the Performative Work of Patrícia Portela, 2017, with Thiago Arrais), and “Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas“ (Concepts and Dispositifs of Creation in the Performing Arts”, UC Press, 2008). He was responsible for the scientific and artistic management of the projects “Conceitos e Dispositivos de Criação em Artes Performativas” (with the support of DGArtes, TAGV, and CEIS20, 2015-16), and “Do Texto ao Storyboard: Práticas de Edição no Teatro Contemporâneo” (supported by DGArtes 2017-2018, in the “Edição Teatral” program).