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Science & Theatre

Science & Theatre

Emma Weitkamp & Carla Almeida

Weitkamp and Almeida enter into the space where museums, universities and research centres operate, as well as the space of theatre practitioners, they explore the richness and plurality of this universe, combining theory and practice, as well as presenting context, knowledge gaps and new data.


Table of contents

Act I

. Conceptualising Science-Theatre

. Mapping Science-Theatre Practices

. Creating Science-Theatre: Who Participates and Why

. Topics and Venues: Beyond Expectations

. Formats: Unbounded Creativity, Experimentation and Interaction

. Spectators, Participants and Co-Creators

Act II

. Actors with Agency: Immersive Science Theatre and Science Identity

. Theatre Within a Research Institute: Addressing Shared Goals

. PAST’s Walking Tall Science Theatre Project

. The Voices and Bodies of Science: Theatre with Researchers

. Augmented Lectures: A Unique Resource to Inspire, Outreach and Understand ScienceScenes of Aquatic Life: Theatre, Dance, Music and Science

. Instytut B61: Translating the Invisible into Immersive Artsci Theatre

. From Math Class to the Theatre: A 15-Year Chronicle of Steam

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emma Weitkamp

Her research interests focus on audiences for science communication. Recent projects include RETHINK, a European project exploring science communication in digital spaces as well as recent projects looking at narrative approaches to science communication. She also teaches on a Masters in Science Communication and provides continuing professional development training.



Carla Almeida

PhD in Biological Chemistry from the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the area of Education, Dissemination and Management in Biosciences (2012). Master in Science Communication from Imperial College London (2007) and Bachelor in Social Communication, majoring in Journalism, from UFRJ (2003). She worked at Jornal da Ciência, of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC); at the Wellcome Collection, the Wellcome Trust’s science and art museum in London; at Instituto Ciência Hoje, as editor of Ciência Hoje Online; and at the Science and Life Museum, of the Cecierj Foundation. She is a researcher at the Center for Studies on Scientific Dissemination of the Museum of Life, of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). She has contributed to several other scientific vehicles and institutions. She has experience with scientific content broadcast on TV, having provided consultancy for the Globo Universidade program, on Rede Globo. Area of activity and research: scientific journalism, scientific dissemination, communication and public perception of science.

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