The first presentations of Science in Theatre: a swindlers' path
On 7 November 2018, at 6pm, the 3rd season of the lectures’ cycle “Ciência às Seis” (“Science at Six”) in Rómulo Science Centre of the University de Coimbra, and the first keynote speaker is Marionet’s Artistic Director, Mário Montenegro.
The lecture’s theme will be “The first presentations of Science in Theatre: a swindlers’ path” and explores the crossing of the History of Science with the History of Theatre, an area Mário Montenegro has devoted much of his research to.
When did Science begin to be presented in theatre? And in which ways? To find the answers to these questions we dived into the drama of the period of modern science’s emergency, trying to find reflexes there of the appearance of this new human undertaking. We now have an idea, as an example, of what the first scientific and philosophical themes commented on in the plays were, of the evolution of public opinion regarding scientific practice, and that science spread through theatre grounded in the figures of swindlers. It is a voyage through the History of Theatre, of Science and of the European societies of the 17th and early 18th centuries.
The admission is free of charge.
- Productions
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- Clipping
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