Unravelling the code of The Epilepsy Algorithm
As you may remember, the show “The Epilepsy Algorithm” was based on the work of Mauro Pinto, a researcher at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, related to the use of artificial intelligence to predict epileptic seizures as accurately as possible.
As a creative tool in the play’s conception process, Mário Pinto created a code, originally written in Python, which has now been rewritten by Omar Costa Hamido, the artist who was responsible for the show’s music. But this time it was written in javascript, which allows it to be watched almost in real time, in any internet browser.
If you are curious, you can go to the page created by Omar Costa Hamido, subscribe his newsletter, or even explore the code itself, here.
- Projects
- The Epilepsy Algorithm
- Clipping
- O "Algoritmo da Epilepsia" estreia-se esta quarta-feira em Coimbra [Abril Abril]
- UC and Marionet Theatre present a play entitled "The Epilepsy Algorithm" [Healthnews]
- Universidade de Coimbra e Marionet exibem teatro sobre algoritmos da epilepsia [Diário de Coimbra]
- Universidade de Coimbra exibe teatro sobre algoritmos da epilepsia [Público]
- Coimbra dá a conhecer a epilepsia com ajuda da inteligência artificial [Jornal de Notícias]
- “O Algoritmo da Epilepsia” na RTP2 [ESEC TV]