FeedNPlay @ DEI
Another phase of The Epilepsy Algorithm is now available, a project which has already resulted in a show and a conversation open to the public. It involves the inclusion of a video in FeedNPlay, a new form of communication and interaction between the Department of Informatics Engineering at the University of Coimbra (DEI) and its community. This essentially consists of a set of LCD screens mounted on the wall of the department’s busiest corridor, just past the entrance. The screens offer a dynamic digital medium with diverse content, created by students and researchers from the department as well as designers, artists, and creatives from all over the world, ranging from images, videos, animations, texts, information visualisation projects, moving typography, to live and interactive works of art, installations and multimedia experiences.
The video, divided into three scenes, shows discussions between three researchers and a clinician. They address highly topical scientific issues, based on recent research produced at CISUC in the field of epileptic disease. From ethical issues, to seizure warning systems, to the use of patient data in pre-surgical monitoring and the difficulty of obtaining data outside the clinic. These themes are further explored in machine mearning methodologies, the analysis of artefacts in the signal, the mathematical models used, typical performance problems and which characteristics are classically extracted from the EEG signal over time.
We encourage you to spend some time getting to know this new project during your next visit to the DEI.
Photo credits: Mauro Pinto
- News
- We're working "The Epilepsy Algorithm"
- "The Epilepsy Algorithm" has come to an end
- "The Epilepsy Algorithm" post-show conversation
- Unravelling the code of The Epilepsy Algorithm
- We've already started the "The Epilepsy Algorithm"
- A Escola da Noite and a heartfelt thank you
- Marionet featured in Jornal de Negócios
- Projects
- The Epilepsy Algorithm
- Clipping
- O "Algoritmo da Epilepsia" estreia-se esta quarta-feira em Coimbra [Abril Abril]
- UC and Marionet Theatre present a play entitled "The Epilepsy Algorithm" [Healthnews]
- Universidade de Coimbra e Marionet exibem teatro sobre algoritmos da epilepsia [Diário de Coimbra]
- Universidade de Coimbra exibe teatro sobre algoritmos da epilepsia [Público]
- Coimbra dá a conhecer a epilepsia com ajuda da inteligência artificial [Jornal de Notícias]
- “O Algoritmo da Epilepsia” na RTP2 [ESEC TV]