“Oxymoron, between Solstices and Equinoxes” is a theatre show about bipolar disorder.
Based on the impact of real testimonies, we have created and represented situations that could occur in parallel fictional worlds. Here, feelings and emotions are represented, much more than characters. Because the universes created by bipolar disorder are personal universes of emotional extremes. And it is between these inhospitable places of euphoria and depression that those suffering from the illness try to find balance.
We imagine each situation in the show as a poem about this illness. We can look at all these poems as an anthology about bipolar disorder, in which those who have the illness and those who don’t live with it are represented.
We look for bipolar disorder where it can be found, in our daily lives: in the mirror, through the telescope, in a Pilates session, at dinner time, at a psychiatrist’s appointment, in a family tree or in a conversation on a mobile phone.
We add real testimonies to fictional words and events, emphasising that some people’s fiction is other people’s reality. And vice versa.
Casa Municipal da Cultura de Seia
8 February 2025 | 9:30pm
Age rating | 14+
Running time | 1h45
Tickets | TicketLine 5€ / 2,5€ (with municipal card)
More information | +351 238 310 293 / casacultura@cm-seia.pt
Coimbra | Convento São Francisco
20 March 2024
One of the topics we’ve been working on in our Unknownness Laboratory is bipolar disorder, a neuropsychiatric illness characterised by alternating episodes of euphoria and depression. This condition can be very disabling, resulting in sleep disturbances, a greater propensity to develop other pathologies (particularly cardiovascular and neurological) and a major social impact on the lives of the sufferer and their family. However, this illness does not have to be seen as absolutely limiting, and it is above all important to reduce the social stigma that still surrounds this and many other mental disorders, and which often inhibits sufferers from seeking help.
It was in this context that we launched the video “Bipolar Disorder: Another Side” in September 2022, in which we addressed some issues related to this illness, in collaboration with doctors from the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre and researchers from the Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology at the University of Coimbra.
With the creation of a stage play on this theme, we intend to deepen our reflection and broaden the public impact of our artistic intervention, contributing to a generalised increase in knowledge about bipolar disorder and reducing the stigma associated with it.
This show is part of a wider range of artistic creations that we have developed in the field of Health Sciences. These have been part of the projects “Hearing Voices” (on mental health), “To Sleep or Not to Sleep?” (on obstructive sleep apnoea), “The Epilepsy Algorithm” (focused on this neurological disease) and have also been present in shows such as “iMmaculate“, on contraception. As with the examples mentioned above, the script for the play “Oxymoron, between Solstices and Equinoxes” will be created from scratch as part of the collaborative work that characterises the company, based on a series of interviews with patients and health professionals.
Discussion and Ideas Ana Santos*, Carolina Costa Andrade, Catarina Moita, Felipe Damasceno, Francisca Moreira, Joana Cardoso, Laetitia Morais, Mário Montenegro, Pedro Andrade, Ricardo Jerónimo, Silvia Carballo, Tiago Santos, Vicente Paredes
Playwright and Direction Mário Montenegro
Selection and organisation of patient and health professional testimonies Carolina Costa Andrade, Catarina Moita, Mário Montenegro, Tiago Santos
Cast Carolina Costa Andrade, Catarina Moita, Tiago Santos
Technical Direction and Lighting Hugo Vasconcelos
Lighting Design João Pecegueiro
Set Design and Image Pedro Andrade
Wardrobe Joana Cardoso
Music and Sound Design Ricardo Jerónimo
Audio Mastering Henrique Toscano
Sound Vicente Paredes
Video Laetitia Morais
Hair Design Carlos Gago – Ilídio Design Cabeleireiros
Production Direction Francisca Moreira
Executive Production Carolina Costa Andrade, Silvia Carballo, Vicente Paredes
Communication Carolina Costa Andrade, Ricardo Jerónimo
Photography Francisca Moreira
Coproduction Marionet | Convento São Francisco
CNC UC (Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular)
CHUC (Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra)
With the support of
República Portuguesa — Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
Câmara Municipal de Coimbra / Convento São Francisco
MAFIA — Federação Cultural de Coimbra
Ilídio Design Cabeleireiros
Rádio Universidade de Coimbra
Antena 2
A Escola da Noite, Cláudia Pereira, Fumaça, Inês Santana, João Fernandes, Pedro Renca, Rita Alcaire, Sara Varela Amaral, Tiago Santo
To all the people who contributed to the show with testimonies about their experience of bipolar disorder.
* Trainee of AET’s Professional Course in Performing Arts
** Trainee of UC’s Master in Art Studies
- Projects
- Bipolar Disorder: One Other Side